Mayor Whitmire tells Montrose Management District to


during City Council Meeting Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Houston Landing Houston Public Media Houston Chronicle Twitter-X

Brief History of Montrose Management District

State Rep. Martha Wong gets statute passed stating a majority of signatures needed to form a Management District.  East Montrose District is formed under Rep. Garnet Coleman in 2005. The East Montrose District was small. Montrose Blvd was western border, Bagby was eastern border. It did not collect much revenue.
Rep Ellen Cohen elected and changes the statute to add the clause of only needed 25 signatures to create a District. This clause is in the Municipal District statute 375 which is usually used by water districts, MUDs (municipal utility districts).
West Montrose Management District opens after previous attempt failed.
The West Montrose district had a special provision which allowed it to merge with the East Montrose district. Rep. Ellen Cohen, Rep. Garnet Coleman, and Senator Rodney Ellis get the West Montrose District enacted despite testimony of the problems within. Founding hearing was held by Hawes Hill Calderon, Managers of the new Montrose Management District. December a petition drive begins by to dissolve the West Montrose under local government code 375.262
The boards of the districts agreed to consolidate the east and west districts. gets petitions from the East Montrose District.
This link gives a clear timeline of the lawsuits. There are also links to the judgements. 
 December 2016
Retiring Judge Halbach reaffirmed his findings of fact and conclusion of law.
 July 19, 2019
Judge Daryl Moore succeeds Judge Halbach on 333rd court. Holds a closed hearing of the MMD lawsuits. Settlement is issued. Public has no access to these records. MMD website is claiming this is the reason it was never actually resolved. Scroll down this link on MMD website to read their interpretation. 
 Note: Judge Daryl L. Moore left the bench in 2020.

Call to Action

+Sign up to speak at City Council. 832-393-1100. Public Comments are scheduled for Tuesdays at 2:00pm. 901 Bagby St. Those of us who have done it are happy to give pointers and tips. Thank the Mayor for his decision to look into the legality of this management district. Add your own story. We also have documents to share.

+Continue writing emails to Mayor Whitmire and District C Abbie Kamin.

Mayor John Whitmire:

Abbie Kamin:

+If you, like many of us, stopped paying the MMD assessment when it was collecting before PLEASE go to EquiTax and check to see if you have a statement and upcoming penalties starting in April.

+Continue spreading the word to clients, neighbors, other businesses, etc. Using your social media platforms is also very good: Instagram, Facebook, NextDoor, Twitter.

Many people STILL do not know about this!

As you may be aware, the Montrose Management District is making a comeback to the shock and confusion of many business owners. If a management district is to be established in our community we absolutely do not want it administered by a part-time director/business that does not work or live in our community. The current administration and board members are the same players from the old MMD that dissolved in 2018. It was rife with misrepresentation and questionable accounting starting with its inception. This organization collected a lot of money from the district’s property owners and had nothing of value to show for it.
Many Montrose businesses are vehemently opposed to a MMD because of the mismanagement in the past.  In a perfect world it would be nice to start from scratch and get petitions from the majority of businesses instead of the measly 25 signatures now allowed by TX Special District Local Laws Code. 

The Montrose Management District

is attempting to make a comeback

Learn about:

MMD History

Original Suit

Class Action Suit

And more


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
